Pies and Guys

Pies and Guys is the 185th short subject starring American slapstick comedy team the Three Stooges. The trio made a total of 190 shorts for Columbia Pictures between 1934 and 1959.

Naturally, the party goes awry. Joe greets the Countess Spritzwasser Harriette Tarler by kissing her hand, and biting off the diamond in her ring. Realizing this, Moe and Larry take Joe to a secluded area to lecture him, only to find he has swiped a load of silverware.Joe then grabs a pie from a pastry table, and tries to eat it whole. Moe sees this, swipes the pie, and pushes Joe out of the way. Seeing another guest, Mrs. SmytheSmythe Symona Boniface, in archival footage, approaching, Moe tosses the pie straight up to which it attaches itself to the ceiling. Seeing that he can barely get a sentence out, she sympathetically comments, young man, you act as if you have the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head. Moe replies that Mrs. SmytheSmythe is a psychic and flees, to which the pie comes crashing down on the society matron. This sparks off a massive pie melee that takes no prisoners. ........

Source: Wikipedia